Friday, June 24, 2011

English Camp

My school hold an event to improve English skill of the students . It helped by many tutors from EFC ( English Fundamental Center ) Pare , Kediri , East Java . Every student have to stay at school for 5 days , so I brought many important things for survive ( I'm sure you know what is it ) wkwk :p

Actually , I have joined EC . I included to 2nd shift , oh hmm there are 4 shift . 1st and 2nd shift for X class while 3rd and 4th shift for new X class . 1st shift held on June 12 - 16 and 2nd shift held on June 16 - 20 while 3rd shift held on June 20 - 24 and 4th shift held on June 24 - 28 .

On the 3rd day there were some games , haha full of fun yeah !

And the last day : examination and contest of speech , role play , yell-yell .

 speech contest

 try the role play

waiting for the next turn of role play

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